Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Rhubarb Lemonade Sweet Tart Cocktail

Hi there, Hope the weather is treating you well in your areas. It's Spring-y Summer-ish is here in Wisconsin! I say this because we had snow in May and now it's 85 F. As we say here, "Wait 10 minutes, it'll change". Alas, the sun is shining, it's warm, and I want a drink!
Rhubarb Lemonade

I had an excellent crop of rhubarb last year and I decided to make it into a syrup. This year it looks as though I might have a nice crop again. I also have Lemon balm that has exponentially bloomed since last year prompting new ideas, but let's carry on.
Lemon Balm Plant

Today I pulled out my jar I canned from last year and had a little fun. I posted that recipe Rhubarb Syrup in an earlier blog. This cocktail can be boozy or kid-friendly it's up to you. I am currently having the non-alcoholic version, wouldn't want to be stumbling around my kitchen with implements of torture so easily obtained. Seriously, kitchens are a dangerous place with gadgets, knives, guillotines, and sausage stuffers--Shhh--Don't get any ideas.

Here we go!
Remember, you can alter measurements to suit your tastes.

30 ml of simple syrup
40 ml rhubarb syrup
20 ml lemon juice
30 ml vodka
Soda water or a club soda to top it off
Pint-sized glass filled with ice
Lemon balm garnish

Get a tall glass and fill it with ice. Measure out the ingredients and add to glass. Adding alcohol for the boozy part, or club soda for the kiddie cocktail version. When finished adorn with a few leaves of lemon balm or mint. That's it! It's a fun and refreshing way to welcome in a new season of growing. And it looks pretty fancy too. 
Happy Spring

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